Filled Tapered Plastic Cups
Product Specifications

Product --------- Filled Tapered Plastic Cups
Size --------- 4 oz. / 6 oz.
Diameter Top --------- 4 oz. - 3.125 top 2.625 bottom / 6 oz. - 3.125 top 2.625 bottom
Height --------- 4 oz. - 1.625 / 6 oz. - 2.5
Weight --------- 4 oz. - 5 oz. / 6 oz. - 7 oz.
Infeed Rate --------- 4 oz. - 300 / 6 oz. - 200
Outfeed Rate --------- 4 oz. - 340 / 6 oz. - 240
* When running same cup on both fillers, the infeed rate is 500 cpm - outfeed rate is 540 cpm.
Description of Function
Filled cups will exit the two fillers – 6 lanes from one filler and 4 lanes from the other. They will accumulate on Infinity #1 and will single file into the inspection machine. Infinity #1 will raise and lower depending on the product that is running. Cups will exit the inspection machine and will enter onto Infinity #2. Infinity #2 will stage cups into an 8 x 9 pattern to fill a tray.
Drawing for Project

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U.S. Patent # 6,575,287; 6,612,425; 6,612,417; 6,648,124; 6,959,802; 6,964,329; & 7,322,459 –
International Patent # 1,461,275; 2004/4385; 2004/3144; 2003257101; 2003237267; 2002337898 & 2002366575
Other US & International Patents Pending
International Patent # 1,461,275; 2004/4385; 2004/3144; 2003257101; 2003237267; 2002337898 & 2002366575
Other US & International Patents Pending